Some advice for a boat builder (and note to self):
Never use glass mat on the outside of your boat if you want it smooth, unless you're a sucker for punishment! 👊
My second mistake was to use unwaxed resin. Third mistake was to not just follow up with waxed resin simple, to fill in the low spots. Instead, I followed up with waxed resin with microballoons in it, which didn't settle into the low spots and had to be sanded.
After a lot of sanding and throwing out sandpaper that was gummed up by the unwaxed resin that I sanded into, I then used Polyfair to fill in the low spots. More sanding produced a fairly even surface, but nothing like cloth would have.
I should have instead used epoxy and glass fabric, which lies flat and smooth. The rationale for the mat was that it supposedly sticks to wood better than fabric with polyester resin. Epoxy sticks better, and woven fabric makes it stronger.
So I ended up putting a coat of epoxy on top of the whole mess:
It'll be a pretty durable bottom, anyway, and my arms are much stronger from all the sanding. 💪