Thursday 25 April 2019

Pretty much done

The cockpit floor has some sand-like stuff sprinkled into the paint (Tremclad) to keep me from sliding around on it, and to keep my knees raw when kneeling, I guess.

Here she is in sailing trim, coming...

...and going:
I noticed that the rudder and tiller are well-balanced, weight-wise, meaning that they'll stay in position, no matter the heel of the boat. Not sure that has anything to do with on-the-water performance, though.

Here's the off-centre board in the "up" position, with a catch-string for when the boat comes ashore:

And here it is in the "down" position:
The jam cleat on the left springs open if there's a sudden load on it, in case we hit a rock.

Now here she is in rowing trim:
The rowing thwart is untreated cedar, which I'm going to leave unfinished. It has some sheet foam glued to the underside where it lands on the bench tops, so it won't move around. I taped the oar handles together to get a sense of what they would look like in action.

The photo above shows how short the oars are (too).

As does the photo below. I'm going to be windmilling with these, I think. 😒
Looks like the oars will barely be in the water at this angle. I'll use a couple pieces of thick foam (the hard stuff) to pad the height of the thwart.

Next tasks: finish the dolly and the sail.

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