Friday 17 May 2019

First splash - tryout rowing

I'm very happy with the dolly: I can actually move the boat around by myself, including bringing it uphill from the water over sand. 😊

After delivering the boat to the yard on Wednesday, I spent the rest of the day clearing out all of my tools and equipment from the shop.

I really wanted to see how she floats and handles, so yesterday, Thursday, Andrew and I each took her for a bit of a spin.

Andrew checks out the oars:

Having the transom clearing the water as above is exactly what is wanted in a boat, so that the water flows off smoothly and doesn't produce turbulent eddies as it goes around that corner.


Observing the mini-12 races:

I took the board off for the rowing trials.

Harassing the goslings:
Joking of course, silly! I meant observing the goslings.

Overall I'm very happy with the build. My only complaint at this point is that she's so tippy—which I expected, but hoped wouldn't be the case. I couldn't put all of my weight on the seat bench without feeling like she was going to start shipping water. Presumably that means that I won't have to be hiking out when the wind blows, which would be a good thing for sailing. And perhaps she'll endear herself to me more as a sailboat. The oars are definitely too short to be really powerful, but they'll be fine to get me home in a calm, which is mainly why they're there; no motor needed. 

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