I put in a long day on this part, since I wanted to not have to do any washing and sanding between coats, putting the next coat of epoxy on while the previous part was still tacky.
To keep the sanding and filling of the edge to a minimum, I did what Andrew told me about: I put masking tape where I wanted the cloth to overlap to:
And cut the glass with a utility knife along the top edge of the tape when the resin was still "green":
It worked well.
Here's the cockpit opening being cut out more, new shape on the left:
Now the aft hatch opening is cut out as well:
What you don't see is the hull-deck joint being filleted and glassed on the inside. A fair bit of work was required using long-handled tools to reach into the nether regions in the ends of the boat where no-one will go or see, but needing be done for integrity of the build. I used a large LED flashlight for light, with the boat upside-down or on its side.